"Laurentino" better known as Pito was born in Mayagüez, Puerto Rico, in 1983. He grew up in Barrio Planas Sector La Cruz; his road divided the cities of Isabela & San Sebastian. Throughout his childhood LP was exposed by his basketball, skateboard, chess & poetry skills. Not having a role model he wanted to figure it out by himself. It was the streets where he acquired most of his respect and experiences. He studied electricity & plumbing in Manuel M. Liciaga Vocational High where he graduated in JUNE 2001. Not sure of what he wanted in life; he decided to join the Armed Forces "NAVY". In AUG 09, 2001, he got his first set of orders, departed from his family and got on a plane for the first time heading to Great Lakes Illinois to assist the NRTC "Navy Recruit Training Center" and NTC "Navy Training Center". He graduated in NOV 03,2001 and received his second set of orders to report to USS Ticonderoga CG-47 in Pascagula, Mississippi, but before reporting to his next duty station he decided to take leave for 14 days and visit his family in Puerto Rico where they celebrated his 18th birthday. "Me acuerdo que fuimos para un party en Aguada con DJ Dara y Cultura Profética" Two weeks after he reports for duty and gets assigned to Operations Department 1st Division. He participated in Drug Ops in the Caribbean and Atlantic Seas. The ship was old and needed repair so they send it to Benders Ship Yard in Mobile Alabama where it was taken for hull and overall repair. "Cuando llegamos a Alabama me acuerdo que tenían un festival llamado Mardigrass, estaba brutal,las mujeres te enseñaban las tetas pa’ que uno le diera unos collares que regalaban, la mujer con los collares más grandes y locos era la reina de la noche" While at the Yards, LP and a group of friends decide to go to a club called Illusions located in Biloxi, Mississippi about 3 hrs trip in I-10. "Nos detuvimos en cuanto llegamos a Mississippi en un fast food y de ahi en adelante no se que paso" After they left the restaurant and got back on I-10 the nightmare happened, my friend was driving his 2001 Oldsmobile Alero on the left lane of 5 lanes and he was about to pass his exit so he switched lanes quickly and didn't notice that there was an 18 wheeler in the right lane at full speed so the car got nailed. No one died, thanks to God. "Estaba dormido por que el viaje era largo y me habia bebido medio litro de bacardi" LP got out of the car by himself asking what happened to another group of friends that were on a second vehicle. They replied to him, “you just got hit by a truck so sit your ass down”, LP took off his shirt and wanted to fight another friend "Romeo" arrived to the scene and ask LP what happened. He asked him: Where are you going? Romeo replied, “Illusions” and LP said, “Well lets go”. Everyone else was taken in ambulance to the emergency room. "Me acuerdo que estaba sentado en un garaje solo y no tenia ni idea que hacia ahi" He got picked up by his friends and taken to the command were he got sent to the hospital, LP suffered concussions for a week and then got taken to captains mask for underage drinking in the states of Alabama and Mississippi. He got detached from the command and received orders to report to NAS "Naval Air Station" Pensacola where he got put on LLD "Lite Limited Duty" due to his health condition. He was on intense physical therapy for 8 months and got back fit for duty. He got advance gun training while on NAS and received medals for Expert in Rifles and Pistols. LP received new orders to report on board USS The Sullivans DDG-68 port out of Mayport, FL. He became a Quarter Master Third Class Petty Officer; he was the ship’s Master Helmsman. Deployed on AUG 2004 for the Operation Enduring Freedom where he obtained his Global War on Terrorism Expedition & Service Medals, Sea Service Medal and Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal. During his time at sea there was no one to talk to, so LP wrote his feelings in a pocket notebook and was encouraged to recite his lyrics rapping by Latinos on board. LP took over stages in countries like Ireland, Scotland, England, Palma, Malta, Croatia, Create, Rhodes, Greece, Egypt, Seychelles and Oman. When they returned to Mayport FL., LP had the opportunity to be the one and only performing artist in Jacksonville's first Puertorican Parade and also had the opportunity to open up shows for artists like Noriega, Yaga & Mackie, Trebol Clan, Kartiel, Cabalucci, Valerie, Joan & O'Neill, and perform in clubs like Plush, Bourbon Street, Globe, Congo's, Roxi. In OCT2005 LP transfers into the Navy Reserved and enrolls in Full Sail in Orlando, were he learned how to make beats, record, mix, master, also better his composition, Photoshop and web developing skills. LP founded L.P. Records Productions, Inc. on March2007 and he's currently in Puerto Rico working from under the radars to take the genre to different levels never dreamed of. He is honest, humble and admired by millions of fans and friends. His dedication and vision is only a matter of time for LP to make history. "Lo mío es ayudar a todo el que pueda, ya que cuando muera no me voy a llevar nada, pero si dejare mi trabajo para mis fanáticos y mis regalías para mi familia"
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