Robert Silva. was born in Harlingen, TX and he the oldest of 5 children. he and his brother after him were raised by an Aunt, but he calls her Mom. they didn’t have much money, but she always managed to keep food in their mouths, clothes on their backs, and a roof over their heads. He felt a lot of responsibility being the oldest and because of that he always tried to do his best to make sure he was on the right path. he got straight A’s in school and graduated 18th in a class of 700 from Harlingen High School. he was bitten by the acting bug when he was 10 years old. his first play was a Christmas pageant at his school, Jefferson Elementary, where he played an elf. It was right after that show that he decided that he wanted to be an actor. He continued acting throughout his school years either at plays at school or local theatre companies. his senior year of high school was coming to a close and he didn’t know what he was going to do. he knoew they didn’t have a lot of money to go to college, but he so desperately wanted to go. his Mom had already sacrificed so much for us and he didn’t want to put another burden on her. he was contacted by the Navy and decided to go into the military to get money for college. he left home for boot camp when he was 17 years old. he knew that he would have to put his acting career on hold while he graduated he was in the Navy, but he never lost sight of it. he attended boot camp in the Great Lakes and from my company as the Honor Recruit. After boot camp he went to Submarine School in Groton, CT because he was going to be assigned to a submarine. After Sub School, he went to his A School, in Virginia Beach, VA where he was to learn his actual job. Robert was going to be a Missile Technician. After the training there, he went to St. Mary’s, GA for my final training at the Naval Base in King’s Bay, GA. When I completed my training in GA he went back to Groton, CT and was assigned to the USS Nebraska, SSBN 739, a Trident II Class Submarine. It was still in new construction and our final home base would be back in King’s Bay. When we returned to Georgia, Robert quickly went back into the entertainment industry. That yearning never left my heart. When he was not involved in my military obligations, he would do anything that he could that was in the entertainment field. Robert moved to Jacksonville, FL, which was about 45 minutes from the base and got a modeling contract with John Casablanca’s Model and Talent Management. he modeled all over Jacksonville and also auditioned for plays in the area. he was cast in a few shows and continued modeling. His first taste of the TV industry happened in Jacksonville when he was cast as an extra in the short lived TV series Safe Harbor. he got out of the military on March 31, 2000 and returned to TX to go back to college. he attended the University of Texas – Pan American in Edinburg, TX. Robert acted in plays throughout college. he graduated in 3 years Magna Cum Laude with a BA in Theatre/Television/Film Performance. Robert then moved to Dallas, TX and worked as an intern at Theatre Three, a professional non-profit theatre. Robert worked pretty steadily as an actor in the Dallas-Fort Worth area and have become Equity Eligible. he also became a regular extra on Prison Break because they were shooting in Dallas for Season 3. After 5 years in Dallas he made the big move to Los Angeles and quickly began doing background and extra work. he has done four major motion pictures since moving here, Valkyrie (with Tom Cruise), Bring It On 5 (with Christina Milian), State of Play (with Russel Crowe and Ben Affleck), and Unthinkable (with Carrie Ann Moss and Samuel L. Jackson). he is also a writer and have written a full length screen play that was produced independently in TX while he was still in college and also a musical children’s play that is just about completed. Robert has started working on his next play, which is going to be a psychological thriller. He is working on his way to become SAG and is always striving to improve myself. Here’s to shooting for the stars and going after your dreams!
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